The Importance of Alcohol Detox Near Raleigh, NC

When it comes to breaking an alcohol addiction, the importance of alcohol detox cannot be emphasized enough. It’s one of the most effective ways to start feeling better and healing faster. At the completion of detox and rehab treatment, you’ll be able to live a clean and sober life. It’s doesn’t have to be an…

Social Drinker vs. Functional Alcoholic

There’s a big difference between a person who drinks exclusively in social situations and someone who is a functional alcoholic. A so-called “functional” alcoholic is a confusing term as the implication is that this individual is doing well enough. In reality, they are not fulfilling their obligations or engaging in activities to the best of…

8 Techniques to Help Stop Drinking

Whether you occasionally drink too much or have an alcohol abuse disorder, you may want to curb your intake or give up alcohol altogether. Alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, making it easier to consume more than is reasonable and potentially develop a dependency. If you find yourself or a loved one struggling with alcohol…

Set Yourself Free from Alcohol Abuse

Those who are battling an active addiction feel hopeless. If you’re like most alcoholics, you’ve probably considered going to alcohol abuse rehab centers in Jacksonville, but you don’t think they’ll work for you.  The part of your brain telling you that is also the part of the brain making sure you continue to drink. That’s…

Beer Advertisement Spending Linked to Influencing Adolescent Consumption

A study published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) from Iowa State University reveals that the amount of money that beer companies spend on advertising strongly predicts the number of teenagers who have heard of, preferred, and tried different brands of beer. 99% of middle and high school students surveyed reported hearing of…

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

All people affected by alcohol addiction face a period of detoxification when they begin their recovery. Detox gives you the chance to clear any remaining alcohol from your system. It also prepares you to keep your recovery going once you pass through alcohol withdrawal. How long does alcohol detox take? That depends on your personal…