dangers of mixing prescription drugs and alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Prescription Drugs and Alcohol

Substance abuse impacts millions of people every year, and one of the most dangerous combinations is mixing prescription drugs with alcohol. Not only does this form of polysubstance abuse increase the risk of severe health consequences, but it can also lead to dependency, addiction, or even fatal outcomes. If you or someone you know is…

woman in luxury drug rehab center

What to Look for in a Luxury Drug Rehab Center

Luxury drug rehab programs and luxury alcohol rehab programs offer evidence-based clinical treatment and medical support, like any drug addiction treatment center. What makes luxury rehab centers stand out is the extra attention they pay to clients’ comfort and privacy and the extra amenities they offer. A luxury facility may have private rooms, catered meals,…

Addiction Treatment for Adolescents

Adolescence is a time of drastic changes, growth, and development for young people. It is a time when many young people start looking outside their family unit for cues about what to do, how to behave, and things to try. Unfortunately, this also means that some adolescents will run into trouble with drugs or alcohol.…

The Importance of Alcohol Detox Near Raleigh, NC

When it comes to breaking an alcohol addiction, the importance of alcohol detox cannot be emphasized enough. It’s one of the most effective ways to start feeling better and healing faster. At the completion of detox and rehab treatment, you’ll be able to live a clean and sober life. It’s doesn’t have to be an…

Social Drinker vs. Functional Alcoholic

There’s a big difference between a person who drinks exclusively in social situations and someone who is a functional alcoholic. A so-called “functional” alcoholic is a confusing term as the implication is that this individual is doing well enough. In reality, they are not fulfilling their obligations or engaging in activities to the best of…

8 Techniques to Help Stop Drinking

Whether you occasionally drink too much or have an alcohol abuse disorder, you may want to curb your intake or give up alcohol altogether. Alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, making it easier to consume more than is reasonable and potentially develop a dependency. If you find yourself or a loved one struggling with alcohol…

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Detox is the first step on your life-saving journey to eliminate the abuse of and dependency on alcohol. Some people have an intense and all-consuming need to consume alcohol simply for their body and mind to feel normal. An alcohol detox, administered under the care of medical professionals to manage the alcohol withdrawal symptoms, can…