How Drugs and Alcohol Can Cause a Compromised Immune System

COVID-19 is here. Anyone with a compromised immune system is at a higher risk of developing complications from the disease. There’s a lot of concern for elderly individuals who often have weaker immune systems and co-occurring medical conditions. However, those who use drugs or alcohol may have a compromised immune system as well. At Rockland…

prescription drug misuse

Defining Prescription Drug Misuse

Prescription drug misuse is easily defined as any drug use outside of how a doctor prescribed it. The three categories of drugs that are most often misused are opioids, anxiety medications, and stimulants. Prescription drug misuse is not the same as prescription drug abuse. Drug abuse is defined as using a drug without a prescription…

Finding Quality Addiction Treatment in Tampa Florida

Addiction is a life-threatening disease. It can affect one’s health, family members, career plans, and finances. Yet, no matter how severe the symptoms are, it is never too late to seek help and professional intervention. With the right amount of care, medical attention, therapy, and emotional support, lifelong recovery and sobriety is possible for everyone.…

About Perspectives: A Time for Change Virtual Addiction Conference

Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s episode of Perspective Matters: This Week in Behavioral Healthcare. I’m your host Glenn Hadley with Southworth Associates. I just want to take a brief minute to thank our sponsors not only for the show but also for the upcoming event, “Perspectives: A Time For Change.”   We’re just…