Drinking is socially ubiquitous across the world, including in America. Alcohol has its place at church, sporting events, bars, restaurants, camping trips, and at home. Due to its longstanding legality and social acceptance, alcohol abuse has been a perennial issue for societies across the world and across history. However, some people may not know for sure whether they have an alcohol use disorder or not. It’s important to understand the signs of alcohol addiction so you can get help at a Northern Illinois addiction treatment center.
What Are The Signs Of Alcohol Addiction?
When someone has AUD, there will be both psychological and physical signs. Although alcohol use begins innocuously, heavy or constant use soon forces the user to become dependent on alcohol. Physically, the body becomes used to the presence of alcohol, building up a tolerance and forcing the user to drink more to reach the same feeling of drunkenness. Psychologically, the brain also becomes chemically adapted to alcohol.Everyone is different so the signs may vary between people. Some people may have more severe symptoms than other people.
- Can’t cut back on drinking
- Loss of important things in life such as job, friendships, marriage, or other relationships
- Risky behavior
- Always thinking about that next drink
- Blackouts
- Drinking 3 or more drinks if you’re a woman or 4 or drinks if you’re a man daily
- Inability to keep up with life’s responsibilities
The physical signs of alcohol addiction are difficult to face for many people, but when they attempt to stop there’s a whole new set of problems — withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms for heavy drinkers are particularly severe, and can even be fatal in the most extreme cases. The only way to get through the withdrawals is to check out one of the alcohol addiction rehab center programs in your area.
Withdrawal From Alcohol
During the withdrawal process from alcohol, you may experience a range of symptoms from mild to severe. It depends on how long you drank and how much you drank. Some of the signs of alcohol addiction withdrawal include:
- Tremors and shakes
- Anxiety
- Sick stomach
- Sweating
- Loss of appetite
- Confusion
Some people experience extremely serious symptoms when they abruptly quit drinking. You should never attempt to do this on your own.
Start The Process Today
You may want to begin treatment but wonder — are there substance abuse treatment programs near me? As you seek the help you need for alcohol addiction, it’s critical to find a rehab center that will have expert skills at leading you along the path of detoxing from alcohol.
You need to have the support and help of caring individuals surrounding you and uplifting you on your new path. As you walk along this journey, you will also meet others in a similar situation that you can connect with through group therapy. Their lives may prove inspirational to you and yours may be to them.
There is no need to wait until alcohol has ruined your life. You can find happiness again. Now that you know the signs of alcohol addiction, enroll in a rehab center for assistance.