woman meets with doctor at outpatient addiction treatment program

Which Outpatient Program Is Right for You?

Making the commitment to overcome drug or alcohol addiction means carefully considering the professional services available to help you. Numerous options exist, but not all are the same in terms of the type and amount of care they offer. It’s essential to consider all of your options when beginning your search for addiction treatment. So,…

Am I an Alcoholic?

dreamscapeAre you continually wondering, am I an alcoholic? Understanding alcohol use disorders can help you seek the right treatment from an alcohol detox center in California. People drink alcohol for various reasons, but the habit can lead to severe consequences, requiring help from Summit Estate. If you’re battling an addiction to alcohol, contact our California…

prescription drug misuse

Defining Prescription Drug Misuse

Prescription drug misuse is easily defined as any drug use outside of how a doctor prescribed it. The three categories of drugs that are most often misused are opioids, anxiety medications, and stimulants. Prescription drug misuse is not the same as prescription drug abuse. Drug abuse is defined as using a drug without a prescription…

The Stages of Alcohol Detox

Alcoholism is a slow-killing disease, affecting not just individuals but also their immediate family and friends. To prevent the long-term irreparable damage caused by alcohol consumption, the body must first be purged off of the toxic contents under clinical supervision. The stages of alcohol detox can be quite painful, but with medical attention and close…